8 Signs That You Have Anxiety

Everyone feels stress at some points in their lives, even from happy events like starting a new job or buying a home. And who doesn’t worry about their children, ailing parents, or bills piling up? These are normal feelings.

But when you have a difficult time controlling your worries and stress, you could have anxiety. The uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting mental health, and if you’ve been having a hard time, you’re definitely not alone.

Our mental health specialists at Bowman Medical Group in Beverly Hills, California, treat patients with mild, moderate, and severe anxiety through a combination of talk therapy and medication.

If you have anxiety, you may be worried, anxious, or stressed. But you may also have physical symptoms. If any of the following signs sound like you, consider making an appointment so we can create a personalized treatment plan to address your anxiety.

1. Trouble sleeping

Everyone has trouble sleeping once in a while, but if you can’t remember the last time you slept well, it could be due to anxiety. This is especially true if you toss and turn or if your mind races with thoughts of worry and fear.

2. Uncontrolled worry

Do you worry all the time about everything? Are you afraid something bad will happen? If the worry never seems to end, it could be affecting your sleep, too. 

3. Constant feelings of stress

If you’re having a difficult time controlling your stress levels, anxiety could be to blame. For example, if the thought of an upcoming job interview or a difficult conversation with a loved one sends you into a panic, your stress levels rise. This cycle could go on and on unless you learn how to control it.

4. Inability to concentrate 

It’s difficult to concentrate at work or school when you’re worried all the time. You may also have a hard time talking to friends and following the conversation if your mind wanders.

5. Expecting bad things to happen

Are you always waiting for the shoe to drop — if things seem too good to be true, are you waiting for something bad to happen? This could be your irrational fears, worry, and anxiety taking hold. It doesn’t have to be like this. We can help you overcome your fears so you can enjoy your life again.

6. Being moody or easily agitated

Anxiety can also make you moody or easily agitated by simple things that don’t seem to bother other people. This irritation can affect your own happiness, your relationships with friends and family, and your job performance.

7. Digestive woes

Troubles like acid reflux, constipation, or diarrhea that can’t be explained by a doctor may be due to anxiety. This is because there’s a strong connection between the brain and gut, and the gut is full of nerves. If you’re always nervous and anxious, it can wreak havoc on your digestive system. 

8. Panic attacks

Panic attacks are scary. You may feel like you’re having a heart attack — feeling tightness in your chest, having heart palpitations, sweating, and feeling faint. Panic attacks are a sign of severe anxiety.

If you recognize yourself in these signs and symptoms, it’s time to get some help. Schedule an appointment with our caring team of mental health professionals by calling 310-982-7003 today.

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