4 Benefits of Medication Management for Your Mental Health

4 Benefits of Medication Management for Your Mental Health

About 20% of Americans suffer from mental illness each year, including kids, teens, and adults. Without proper treatment, mental health issues can take a toll on every aspect of your life, including school and work performance, relationships, finances, and your overall enjoyment of life. 

Medications can offer dramatic relief for many people with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. The key is making sure your treatment is optimized specifically for you.

At Bowman Medical Group in Beverly Hills, California, our team offers comprehensive medication management for patients, tailoring every treatment plan for the best possible results. If you’re taking medication, here’s how medication management could help you.

Faster results

While talk therapy and techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy can play important roles in treating mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD, many mental health issues involve brain chemical abnormalities that can benefit directly from medications.

Today’s medications help “rebalance” brain chemicals associated with mood regulation. In fact, not only can medication help reduce or relieve many symptoms, but it can also help make talk therapy more effective. 

By working with our team, we can monitor your medications to determine which ones are working, which ones aren’t effective, and which ones can benefit from a dosage adjustment. In this way, you can experience the effects of the medicine and the benefits of therapy more quickly.

Whole-patient therapy

Medication management focuses on the medications you’re taking for your mental health needs, but it also takes into account other medications you’re taking, along with factors that could influence the effectiveness of therapy. 

Every therapy plan is carefully designed and closely monitored to suit each patient’s unique health needs, symptoms, lifestyle, and other factors. Medication management helps us discover the ideal combination to even out energy levels and help you enjoy a better quality of life. 

Fewer side effects

Medications used to treat mental health issues have long histories of safe and effective use. Still, they can cause some side effects, and some people can be more sensitive to those side effects than others.

With medication management, we can make adjustments to your medication, your dosing, or both to relieve side effects and help you adjust to your medications. Plus, we can help you understand the potential side effects right from the start, so you can know what to expect and feel more in control of your therapy.

Ongoing support

Like any chronic medical problem, mental health issues don’t usually clear up quickly. Most people benefit from months or years of therapy. During this time, you might need a change in your medications or dosing to ensure your therapy stays on track.

Medication management is one more way our team makes it easier and more convenient to maintain therapy for as long as you need it. Regular check-ins help us manage your current prescriptions, consider alternative treatments, and monitor side effects and interactions with other medications. Plus, it gives us a chance to help you play a more proactive role in your mental health treatment, so you can feel more confident in your health and wellness journey.

Live your best life

Like issues that affect your physical health, mental health concerns require appropriate medical care in order for you to improve your health and wellness. To learn more about medication management and how it can help you get the most from your treatment, call 310-276-4003 to book an appointment with Bowman Medical Group today.

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